
Academic Programs

Business Economics, B.S.

Our unique Bachelor of Science in Business Economics Program offers students a comprehensive understanding of a business’ central functions. Students take the same required business courses as other business majors, such as accounting, economics, finance, management, marketing, math and data processing. It also allows students to develop analytical skills that are highly sought after by employers. These skills equip our graduates with a competitive edge in the job market and pave the way for career advancement. Our economics graduates have found positions at MBNA America Bank, Chase Manhattan Bank, Perdue Farms, Intel, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Department of Defense, the EPA, etc.

Economics, B.A.

Our Bachelor of Arts in Economics Program provides students with a flexible curriculum, which can be tailored to each student’s interests. There are 36 hours of free electives that can be used to obtain one or more minors or even a second major. Recent economics B.A. graduates have minored or double-majored in finance, political science, mathematics, history, philosophy and environmental study. Most B.A. students continue with law school or other graduate programs (M.A. and Ph.D.) or work for government agencies and think tanks. Recent graduates have been successfully recruited to graduate programs at the University of Maryland, Georgia State University, George Washington University, the University of Tennessee, The College of William and Mary, and the University of Delaware.

Economics Minor

An economics minor can maximize your potential in numerous job fields. Because these skills are valuable in all sectors of the economy, students with a minor in economics find more employment opportunities.